The man, the myth, the legend. Lari Mallius! |
Anssis friend from Bavaria. |
The man, the myth, the legend. Lari Mallius! |
Okay, I can say it now: "Far from boring!" At least so far. In Naantali we were watching Finn wave surfing and at the after party! The party started in Laris girlfriends house and continued in a bar in Naantali, which name I can't re call. Then we drove back to Turku in a cab at around 12pm. Then we (me Tuomas and some girls) went to a bar in Turku, can't re call the name of that either! :D What ever, my man Matti was working there and I had so much fun in there that I'm gonna go there for sure again! It's pretty much a perfect place to chill and have a few moist ones. Today I should go for a hangover meal with Tuomas, even though I do not have hangover, I do enjoy eating! My freedom from hangovers is a thing I have wondered a lot, but I guess that I'm not just drinking the way I was drinking before. I have to be pretty careful, when I'm drinking now, cause my balance is really tricky even when I'm sober, so don't want to find out what it would be like when wasted...
Look at Laris shorts, he's keepin it TOIGHT!