14 elokuuta 2011

Adam Tensta yesterday! And boring today.

The man!
I started my yesterday normally with breakfast and then did a little workout, when the workout was done, I hopped to a bus wich tooke me to Turku, where my favourite living hiphop artist, Adam Tensta had an awesome concert! I must tell you again, that it was totally worth it to go there! So yesterday was totally awesome, today, not so awesome. I have been at home whole day, searching my cellphone charger. Without any luck, so been here whole day alone and so bored! My cellphone battery is empty, so you won't be seeing te photos I took from the concert... I'm gonna just google you guys a photo of Adam Tensta to make this post a little better than the last one! It's lame, I know, SORRY! My mother and Veikko are gonna come home soon, so then I shall maybe find out where my charger is. Also, my new cell phone was going to be sent here before friday, it wasn't :D So, perfection! Maybe next time you'll read this, it will be a little, or a LOT happier :D

1 kommentti:

  1. "Before you know it" was magical, my favourite song! "I'll-I'll be back before u know it, I'll be back-back before u know-know" I will be back too!!!
