22 elokuuta 2011

Getting strong is my goal!

Rowing! For the beginning.
  Tiny amount of weight... It's more than just the stick!

Tiny amount is my new standard.

Yesterday wasn't everyday. Enjoying life after sauna!
Weekend was really fun, but today I went back to my everyday routine. And what's a better way to start it than hitting the gym in physio! I actually like pushing my self, not to the limit, but pretty far. And yesterday, a video fine as H**l came out! http://vimeo.com/flatlightfilms/nipwitzfour. The attitude those guys have is just awesome! And just like that, I'm ready to chase my dreams! My dream is not to win the Olympics now, it's to become a professional skier again. Not competeing, but skiing pow. I won't say anything will happen for sure, but I will put an enormous amount of effort to rehabilitating my self. And we will see what happens! 

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