Looking everything but fresh before taking off to Hinkkanens.

Me, Nikke and Akkeshi in the Monkey(s bathroom)
Me and Moona in Monkey, it's a bit dark :D
Last night went on from 6pm when we started to 4pm when I went home. It was the longest I have been out since the injury and it was FUN! The night started with going to Hinkkanens condo and continued by moving to Anssis party at 8-9 o'clock, it ended with going to the Monkeys at 1.30-3.30. Anssis party was a lot of fun, he shoved us some of their old movies and watching them together with the guys who were the almost the idols for me when I was a kid/youngster. It was also really good to hang out with the guys! At 1.30 we moved our selves to the centrum and the Monkeys in there. There I found some friends of mine that I hadn't seen before that night. The most important were Johan and Moona who I had never met before and they spent the night with me until I left. All in all, I can easily summarise the night, AWESOME!!!
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