Running! |
Chilling with my dawgs! (no biggie) |
Tara came to swim with me! |
I was active yesterday, just like I was active today too. I went hydro RUNNING both days. Running was capitalized, cause first times I did hydro run, it was more like jogging. But now, I have actually ran almost pushing myself to the limit. My goal for todays training was to push myself so far, that I would have vomited. It wasn't very far, but no puking occurred though, yet… I'm sure some of you think now, "what's wrong with this guy???" Nothing's really wrong with me, actually, I'm just really happy that I can do stuff like that! Tomorrow, I'll probably have a hydro jog/run in the morning and then, I'm straight off to Turku Aura fest to listen Adam Tensta! I'm already really stoked about it, I was planning to go to see him perform if he would even come to Finland this summer, but that he's coming and he's gonna be in my hometown?! Can't pass it! And I'm going to go and check it out with my friends, how happy am I? Pretty happy, I just need to get the website project started and one other thing done and I'm in flames! Check back and I will you if the flames will occur and how amazing the concert is gonna be. The only thing that comes to my mind, which could go wrong, is that I could get really tired if I had to stand very long time during the concert. That's a risk, I'm willing to take though. So, check back on sunday! Tensta baby!!!
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