Speech therapy & gaining. |
Physio... |
Physio... |
Physio... |
Physio... |
Physio... |
Yesterday I took off from speech therapy, my father picked me up and we went to buy tickets to Aura fest, we picked up my brother Jaakko and drove to Nauvo. And before my speech therapy, I had physio, which I supposed to be an easy one, but I can assure you that it was far from easy! I Have thought how can these exercises be so rough for me, but I did pretty much nothing for a year, so I understand! And if people were randomly chosen, I bet that I would be in better fit than 80% of them. Now, I'm writing this from my own computers text program, cause I wanted to add photos and I can't use a normal pc any more… How dumb am I??? Well, my fathers pc isn't probably normal, but I can't use it anyways. :D Now I'm going to hit you up with yesterdays pictures, so here you go!
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