Aki and my self, looks fresh, huh? |
Laundry, I wan't to help out my mama now, cause she has cracked a rib of hers. |
Today was a filmingday. We filmed the physio therapy with Tuomas today, physio therapy, which was pretty damn rough... In the beginning I "warmed" my self up with some kind of weird machine, which name I can't surprizingly recall. It was some kind of a stepper, I quess. Last spring I stepped like 5 minutes and like 100 steps. Now, I stepped 10 minutes and about 500 steps. The amount of steps was the same than what I did in 15 minutes before, 8 minutes on level 10 and 7 on 8. Now 10 all the way! I was actually surprized not to end up puking, cause I can't imagine pushing it any further. When I came back home, I was really wet of sweat and still I went to trampoline with Veikko. I was really tired and we tried to film some tricks, conclusion= giving up. Then I went for a cup of coffee with Aki, which was actually really fun, except that we were both super tired. We were almost falling asleep all the time and now I shall go to sleep for real. And for everyones information: Tuomas Hinkkanen, is an awesome dude / filmer. Working with him feels pretty much as natural, as with Miikka. That's a lot, coming from my mouth. Cause Miikka is a filmer, who is the best I know and he is also a really good friend of mine. Now, off to bed! I was going to go before, but I got in to a topic so nice, that I just couldn't shut up.
Crosstrainer is the word you are looking for :)