31 elokuuta 2011

Back to my active self!

 This is a video that my mom showed me yesterday. It's me "jumping" on our trampoline last fall, and I gotta say that I've come so far since then! This is pretty pathetic, but it's one of the first tricks I was able to do.

Otherwise, my day concisted physio therapy, physics and going to coffee with my old friend Laso. Even though I haven't hanged out with him for a while, I had such a pleasant time with him! And the most awesome thing was our yelling to the table on our right side (the yelling wasn't very loud and it was done by me) cause we (I) spotted hot Austrian girls over there.

The physio consisted gym work out today, which was really welcome! I felt so ashamed for my self, cause last time I was so lazy. I can't blame my self for that, cause I felt my self really sick. Today, I did it the way I usually do!

Bench, the amount of weights is still tiny, but it's not as tiny!

A great movement for my ribs and for my balance.

Getting my left feet stronger.

30 elokuuta 2011

Easy schoolday!

I had biology today and it was pretty nice actually! I feel like this kind of subjects really are for me, but I should not make this kind of super fast conclusions yet again... But at the moment, it feels like I wan't to study international business, instead of medical stuff. I have made so many contacts already and maybe with that kind of education, I could use them as an advantage. Then again, in doctors profession I would probably have a lot of friends / family to repair, but I think I'd rather do business!

Then, I had a nice chat with my man JussiS yesterday and he told me to divide these fragments separately. That's exactly the kind of feedback I wan't to get! Straight up.


I'm a schoolboy!

I'm jumping to my back!
When I came back home, I wen't to trampoline and had a good talk with my father about the website. Not at the trampoline, on cell phone, later :D  Website will be ready maybe this week, online next week! In case it won't need any repairs! At the moment, I'm searching for a nice background for the site, I want to have something icy!

29 elokuuta 2011

Back to school!

I just had my first lesson of physics and I gotta say that, I'm ready. I have been waiting for this day so long, my prediction is that because I went to school before without motivation and with all the talent, now part of the talent is gone and motivation is super high. The result could be exactly as good as before. Probably not, though, but that's what I hope! It's going to be really interesting to see how it goes! Today otherwise was pretty bad, I ate something bad I think and as a result: I felt sick in physio. I was super bummed to be such a pussy in physio, but I'm just a victim! On Wednesday, I'm ready to work the pussyness out of my self! I don't even have photos to share with you today, but what I do have is an edit, that my lil' bro Jaakko did! Pretty fine I say except, there are few things, which have cheered Mikko and my self up, but you'll have to check it out and see if they'll make you laugh!


28 elokuuta 2011

Strict Sunday

Doing back muschles while balancing.

Kind of fell :D I'm okay though!

Just balancing.
There was absolutely nothing strict about today, but I found it really smooth headline! Today was filled, not with strictness, but with practise! I practised balance + some muschle condition exercises with a gymnastic ball and cordination + tricks, which are so hard for me now on trampoline. Because they are hard I was concentrating on mat tricks again, which didn't go that well either :D But, I got one trick down, which I thought I had lost and that's enough for me! And I took a afternoon nap, a thing that I've been neglecting since last winter, but I guess that sleep is pretty important for me and my rehab now. So that's in front of all the things I have neglected. I have taken a totally new kind of attitude on this whole rehabilitation thingy, so if someone's going all in, THAT'S ME!!

27 elokuuta 2011

Smooth saturday

Mat tricks, can't do any other tricks.

Mr. long johns.
Woke up around 09.30, went to sleep at 22.30, so I got an awesome 11 hours of sleep! Today went pretty damn fine otherwise too! The only thing that bumms me out, is that I feel like my tramp skills have been worsened, cause I can't rotate degrees like one or two months ago. I have no idea of how could they just worsen like that,  but I know that I was able to rotate even unnatural 360's one some weeks ago, now not even normals. I guess it's just a part of this rollercoaster ride I'm in, recovery from TBI isn't that easy...  It's my attitude which takes me forward, "it's all in your head" is my motto. Now I shall go and hit the tramp one last time before sleepytime and then spend a quiet night at home.  One last time TODAY. I have some bad experiences from saying just "this is the last one."So the last one of today, everything but the last one in total.

26 elokuuta 2011

The rest of the day was normal

The rest of today went normally, I'm just really tired. Now I'll go and do some sleeping, I have actually been thinking that maybe I don't sleep that well anymore, cause I'm tired almost all of the time. So, it's time to stop tiredness, good night! Sleep tight, fellas.

The end of gold streak

Was having hard time rolling over my back to feet.

Hard time ended with falling to ground.
I had so many good days in a row, but now the gold streak has ended. Today, I've been feeling blue once again. It's okay though, cause I've gotten so used to this and I was basicly just waiting for these good days to end. And I don't know if this is even that big of a deal, this just sucks! And one really refreshing experience today, was to falling down from our trampoline. We are going to order the safety net, NOW! Now that the important things have been taken care of, I'm gonna go for coffee and after that, make us some dinner!

25 elokuuta 2011


Froggy style!

Strech it out.
Today, it was time to film the doc again and Tuomas came to film me, down to the pool. He had these camera equipment, which you can use under water. So it was a good one, I think we managed to film something really useful!  Then again, I can't recall a filming session, when we (me + the filmer ) wouldn't have gotten anything useful. Well, maybe the stuff we filmed with Miikka from physio, when I was a LOT lazyer. Then again I think, it's only good for the doc to see how my attitude towards training has evolved from lazy to the point where I am now. Giving everything I got. I am currently in the stage where the rehab the most efficient in, so the time to invest it all, is NOW. Ofcourse, I am planning to invest a lot in the future too, but now it's making me to step forward for real. After the physio swimming, my mom picked me up and we came home. From home, I left for coffee date with Aki and Tuomas and at least, I ended up having a great one! Tomorrow I'll have Kari Kloytonen (Löytönen) and I'll let you know what he has came up with and in the weekend, we will film some more. I'll keep you posted!

24 elokuuta 2011

Filming in physio and being pretty much dead for the rest of the day

Aki and my self, looks fresh, huh?

Laundry, I wan't to help out my mama now, cause she has cracked a rib of hers.
Today was a filmingday. We filmed the physio therapy with Tuomas today, physio therapy, which was pretty damn rough... In the beginning I "warmed" my self up with some kind of weird machine, which name I can't surprizingly recall. It was some kind of a stepper, I quess. Last spring I stepped like 5 minutes and like 100 steps. Now, I stepped 10 minutes and about 500 steps. The amount of steps was the same than what I did in 15 minutes before, 8 minutes on level 10 and 7 on 8. Now 10 all the way! I was actually surprized not to end up puking, cause I can't imagine pushing it any further. When I came back home, I was really wet of sweat and still I went to trampoline with Veikko. I was really tired and we tried to film some tricks, conclusion= giving up. Then I went for a cup of coffee with Aki, which was actually really fun, except that we were both super tired. We were almost falling asleep all the time and now I shall go to sleep for real. And for everyones information: Tuomas Hinkkanen, is an awesome dude / filmer. Working with him feels pretty much as natural, as with Miikka. That's a lot, coming from my mouth. Cause Miikka is a filmer, who is the best I know and he is also a really good friend of mine. Now, off to bed! I was going to go before, but I got in to a topic so nice, that I just couldn't shut up.

23 elokuuta 2011

Tricky trampoline

Inspired FINLAND!

Hi! I was just in the trampoline with my bro Veikko, he was filming and photographing me. As you see! I didn't get the trick I tried as well as I wanted, and in the end I kind of fell off from the trampoline (safety net!!) It's one of my charasteristics,  need to get everything perfectly! Otherwise, why even try? My misty via my back tended to end up 90° short. Not good, not even close to perfect! I think jibbing on trampoline is more than awesome practise for me, in that too, I wanna become as good as Tanner! And I was proud to rock the inspired T today!!! It entails a huge control of your body to jump well. And a good sence of rythm. Which I don't have either, but I will work hard for it! If there is something I can admit, it's that I don't quit until I am totally happy with the performance. Actually, I'm going to go and get it. NOW! Except, that my head is kind of aching, but, what ever. I went anyways, the result: shortness reduced from 90° to 30°, still, NOT perfection! The last second update: my little brother yellet "YEEAH!" to the vid and forbid want me to publish it, so you're stuck with one ugly pic!

22 elokuuta 2011

Getting strong is my goal!

Rowing! For the beginning.
  Tiny amount of weight... It's more than just the stick!

Tiny amount is my new standard.

Yesterday wasn't everyday. Enjoying life after sauna!
Weekend was really fun, but today I went back to my everyday routine. And what's a better way to start it than hitting the gym in physio! I actually like pushing my self, not to the limit, but pretty far. And yesterday, a video fine as H**l came out! http://vimeo.com/flatlightfilms/nipwitzfour. The attitude those guys have is just awesome! And just like that, I'm ready to chase my dreams! My dream is not to win the Olympics now, it's to become a professional skier again. Not competeing, but skiing pow. I won't say anything will happen for sure, but I will put an enormous amount of effort to rehabilitating my self. And we will see what happens! 

21 elokuuta 2011

Check this out!


Splendid time in Naantali and a good one in Turku

The man, the myth, the legend. Lari Mallius!
Anssis friend from Bavaria.
The man, the myth, the legend. Lari Mallius!
Okay, I can say it now: "Far from boring!" At least so far. In Naantali we were watching Finn wave surfing and at the after party! The party started in Laris girlfriends house and continued in a bar in Naantali, which name I can't re call. Then we drove back to Turku in a cab at around 12pm. Then we (me Tuomas and some girls)  went to a bar in Turku, can't re call the name of that either! :D  What ever, my man Matti was working there and I had so much fun in there that I'm  gonna go there for sure again! It's pretty much a perfect place to chill and have a few moist ones. Today I should go for a hangover meal with Tuomas, even though I do not have hangover, I do enjoy eating! My freedom from hangovers is a thing I have wondered a lot, but I guess that I'm not just drinking the way I was drinking before. I have to be pretty careful, when I'm drinking now, cause my balance is really tricky even when I'm sober, so don't want to find out what it would be like when wasted...

19 elokuuta 2011

Weekend. Is it gonna be boring?

Chilling in the air. I re-learned the trick in the vid today!

It's time for weekend to start again. In Naantali, there will be the Finnsurf sm, so nationals. I'm gonna go and check it out tomorrow, if it's not raining! Today though, my activity was getting my self to the trampoline and to get Jannica to film it. May not be nothing compared to Henkes rehab edit, because I can neither edit videos, nor jump as well :D At least, not now. My balance is still still missing so badly and so is my sence of rythm... But now it's time for weekend, what to do??? Saturday might be all set cause of the comp, but I don't want to get bored before and after. I already got bored before, so I have to try to make the boredness stop asap and make sure it won't spread to Sunday! I'm having hard time doing that though, cause calling to my friends has kind of started to feel stupid, cause it's always me who calls. So let's wait a while if someone of my friends would make the move.

18 elokuuta 2011

Swimming and putting my self together

My man E'Dollo rehabbing himself on a tramp. My trampoline skills right now are nothing compared to that, but I'll share them withcha anyways! Good work E!
Today, like on Thursdays usually, I had swimming in physiotherapy! My attitude was, like usually now, "ALL IN". And I have been feeling really tired now for 2 days. I don't want to make any quick conclusions, but I don't wan't to overtrain my self either... It's just that it's so hard for me to see, when I'm training too hard, cause before, I was so fit that I was like from another planet than now. And it's really hard for me to realize that things have changed. I have slowly started to see that that's the way it is now, and by seeing that, I have started feeling worse than ever. Well, I guess I just have to get through it...

17 elokuuta 2011

Physio+coffee with Michael

                My physio therapist is a football player, maybe that's the reason for this.
                                            I'm swinging it! Balance training...
                                                          Balanceboard squats!
                                                       Balance baller!

I woke up around 9 o'clock today, as I try to do every day. If I wake up earlier, I'll just try to stay layed. Today, no need for just laying awake! I went to Michaels crib around 12am. and continued to physio, which started at 13.15. The coffee at Michaels was fun, but the physio was kind of rough for me today... There's no excuses why it was rough, I guess some days it just is. The excercises we did today weren't that hard, I gave 100 as usually, conclusion=I'm just weak :D Once I got home, after all the eating and stuff, we went trampolining with Veikko! Veikko was shooting photos again, so you may see a bit of our session tomorrow. I feel like I would have improved a lot since last spring, but still I was able to do almost all of the tricks I'm doing now. I guess it's not only about what you do, but HOW you do it!

16 elokuuta 2011

Occupation and filming

Yesterday wasn't rainy. Here's a sequence that my little brother Veikko shot!
Today was rainy, so parked in my chair!
Guys called Tuomas and Aki came to visit me today, to film some inerviews for the doc! Maybe the biggest achievement of today, though, was to receive a new cell-phone! And we did some tests in occupation therapy, I had gotten better (faster) in almost all of the tests and I didn't get worse (slower) in any, so development! It feels really good to see some results on paper, cause it's so hard to notice it oneself...  Today was also really rainy, that I don't like. Well, it's gonna get better for the weekend and then, there will be Finnish surfing championships in Naantali, 25km from my home. That's going to be really interresting to watch and Tuomas told me that you can try surfing your self there too, so I'm gonna find out how it goes!

15 elokuuta 2011

Physiogym and a new haircut!

I'm hiding (being ashamed of how pathetic my achievements were).

Pushups to finish it.

Squats. With 1/4 of the weights I used to lift.

How weak am I??? Well, at least I'm working hard to get stronger.
Today was a therapyday (neurophsygology and physio), and I managed even to drag my self to sign up to night school! On top of all that, I got a new haircut, as you may see. My signing up to night school may be surprising, because of how good grades I already got, but I need to know that I can study again. If I would do a LOT of work to prepare my self to entrance exams and then fail miserably, it would be totally horrible. Don't wanna do that! Maybe it will go solid though, but it's so hard to evaluate your self. We will see, when we'll have the results from the first exams. I'll let you know! When I got home, it was time for a tramp session, my lil' bro Veikko took photos with his new cam. You will see them laters, maybe :D

14 elokuuta 2011

Adam Tensta yesterday! And boring today.

The man!
I started my yesterday normally with breakfast and then did a little workout, when the workout was done, I hopped to a bus wich tooke me to Turku, where my favourite living hiphop artist, Adam Tensta had an awesome concert! I must tell you again, that it was totally worth it to go there! So yesterday was totally awesome, today, not so awesome. I have been at home whole day, searching my cellphone charger. Without any luck, so been here whole day alone and so bored! My cellphone battery is empty, so you won't be seeing te photos I took from the concert... I'm gonna just google you guys a photo of Adam Tensta to make this post a little better than the last one! It's lame, I know, SORRY! My mother and Veikko are gonna come home soon, so then I shall maybe find out where my charger is. Also, my new cell phone was going to be sent here before friday, it wasn't :D So, perfection! Maybe next time you'll read this, it will be a little, or a LOT happier :D

Adam Tensta!

It was on, it was awesome and I had more than tons of fun with my friends!!! Tomorrow, I'll give you a more spesific raport of today and tonight, with a pic or two, but now I'll go to sleep!

12 elokuuta 2011

Cottage living


       Chilling with my dawgs! (no biggie)

Tara came to swim with me!
I was active yesterday, just like I was active today too. I went hydro RUNNING both days. Running was capitalized, cause first times I did hydro run, it was more like jogging. But now, I have actually ran almost pushing myself to the limit. My goal for todays training was to push myself so far, that I would have vomited. It wasn't very far, but no puking occurred though, yet… I'm sure some of you think now, "what's wrong with this guy???" Nothing's really wrong with me, actually, I'm just really happy that I can do stuff like that! Tomorrow, I'll probably have a hydro jog/run in the morning and then, I'm straight off to Turku Aura fest to listen Adam Tensta! I'm already really stoked about it, I was planning to go to see him perform if he would even come to Finland this summer, but that he's coming and he's gonna be in my hometown?! Can't pass it! And I'm going to go and check it out with my friends, how happy am I? Pretty happy, I just need to get the website project started and one other thing done and I'm in flames! Check back and I will you if the flames will occur and how amazing the concert is gonna be. The only thing that comes to my mind, which could go wrong, is that I could get really tired if I had to stand very long time during the concert. That's a risk, I'm willing to take though. So, check back on sunday! Tensta baby!!!

11 elokuuta 2011

Nauvo cottage

My current hood.

Speech therapy & gaining.


Yesterday I took off from speech therapy, my father picked me up and we went to buy tickets to Aura fest, we picked up my brother Jaakko and drove to Nauvo. And before my speech therapy, I had physio, which I supposed to be an easy one, but I can assure you that it was far from easy! I Have thought how can these exercises be so rough for me, but I did pretty much nothing for a year, so I understand! And if people were randomly chosen, I bet that I would be in better fit than 80% of them. Now, I'm writing this from my own computers text program, cause I wanted to add photos and I can't use a normal pc any more… How dumb am I??? Well, my fathers pc isn't probably normal, but I can't use it anyways. :D Now I'm going to hit you up with yesterdays pictures, so here you go!