20 heinäkuuta 2011

What a pleasant day?!

                                   A nice cup of coffee and breakfast with Iiro.

Today was actually pretty close to spectacular! My morning began unbelievaibly by waking up with Iiro calling me. He was up and awake before me???! Then we decided to go for breakfast in Turku downtown, the breakfast just made the awesomeness of today stronger, by being really good. And the coffee, how good was that? I guess the place didn't get the name coffee house for nothing... When Iiro gave me a ride home we went ice cream shopping. So, tomorrow I will have some fat to burn :D And when I had gotten home, I played games with Mila and we made food. Now after that, I just showed her some art. Hello! And Nipwitz. So today was a success!

2 kommenttia:

  1. Oikeesti jätkän positiivinen asenne kaikkeen on vaan jotain innoittavaa...

  2. Juurikin noin. Mutta veikkaan että tollasen tällin jälkeen kaikki elämän pienetkin asiat tuntuu kivalta ja positiiviselta!
