Victory is mine!!!
That's what atleast I heard last night, not sure if you heard it (I'm a pretty big guy). The sound was created by me, jumping head over heels to the water, hitting my head to the base when we were swimming while our sauna session. My forehead is aching a bit, but I am pretty stoked that nothing serious happend though. I remember when an icehockey goalie jumped swimming like that and paralyzed himself. It's kinda scary, that I don't know how hard I can even hit my head again without dying... Now, to a little happier topic! We just played scrabble with Mikko and I WON! This hasn't happened, since I injured myself. That's why this is such an achievement for me... And I gotta say, Mikko is one smart whippersnapper.

31 heinäkuuta 2011
30 heinäkuuta 2011
Playing games, a LOT
Me and Jaakko playing card.
My activity number one is to play something with my brothers, or, actually with who ever. I guess that playing scrabble is really good for my mind aswell. I tend to place rehab on top of everything, but I have to have a life outside of rehab aswell. Actually I was just thinking about it. The conclusion was, rehab is my current job, but not my life. Still, it has an enormous influence on my life. Also in future. I don't want to end up spending the rest of my life struggling with normal tasks, so I want to give the rehabbing 100% while it still is efficient. Sometimes, I gotta take it easy though, chill out a bit :D And thats why, I'm on a holiday now. But I still like to do a lot of stuff, I'm active. Just gotta deal with it. It's better than lazy, for sure.
My activity number one is to play something with my brothers, or, actually with who ever. I guess that playing scrabble is really good for my mind aswell. I tend to place rehab on top of everything, but I have to have a life outside of rehab aswell. Actually I was just thinking about it. The conclusion was, rehab is my current job, but not my life. Still, it has an enormous influence on my life. Also in future. I don't want to end up spending the rest of my life struggling with normal tasks, so I want to give the rehabbing 100% while it still is efficient. Sometimes, I gotta take it easy though, chill out a bit :D And thats why, I'm on a holiday now. But I still like to do a lot of stuff, I'm active. Just gotta deal with it. It's better than lazy, for sure.
29 heinäkuuta 2011
Summercottage, again
It was so nice to be there. Friends. Activity, what more does a person need?
My little brothers had their final jump session today, and then we drove to the cottage. Quite frankly, I would really wan't to be at home, but once the others came here I figured out "why not". Well, the fact that we ARE coming to film some of my documentary here again, might be the answer, but foreseeing isn't a very vacant gift of mine. Yet.
My little brothers had their final jump session today, and then we drove to the cottage. Quite frankly, I would really wan't to be at home, but once the others came here I figured out "why not". Well, the fact that we ARE coming to film some of my documentary here again, might be the answer, but foreseeing isn't a very vacant gift of mine. Yet.
28 heinäkuuta 2011
The best day since yesterday
AJ, after showing me that, he can douple!
Carl, back full.
Some kind of balance training.
Veikko, riding clean.
So like you can most likely figure out from the headline, I had pretty good of a day. The day began with breakfast and right after that, I went to checkout the jumping action. And the most interresting guy, that I saw jumping was my good old friend Carl Michael, who is also known as Kalle Leinonen. The day continued pretty normally with lunch, and an other jump session, dinner, coffee break with Mikkos godmother and after that, we went golfranging with AJ. Right when we got there, we found Carl Michael bouncing his football with his brother there. We also crossed roads yesterday with Carl, on our golfround with my brother. And I gotta say, that seeing him and AJ here is the best thing this this summer after the YO parties, so far.
Carl, back full.
Some kind of balance training.
Veikko, riding clean.
So like you can most likely figure out from the headline, I had pretty good of a day. The day began with breakfast and right after that, I went to checkout the jumping action. And the most interresting guy, that I saw jumping was my good old friend Carl Michael, who is also known as Kalle Leinonen. The day continued pretty normally with lunch, and an other jump session, dinner, coffee break with Mikkos godmother and after that, we went golfranging with AJ. Right when we got there, we found Carl Michael bouncing his football with his brother there. We also crossed roads yesterday with Carl, on our golfround with my brother. And I gotta say, that seeing him and AJ here is the best thing this this summer after the YO parties, so far.
27 heinäkuuta 2011
Tired, funny and AWESOME day!
Mikko is (was) a superman!
Another GOLFPRO!
Today was awesome. My bros really sent it on the ramp, Mikko especially. Cause he did superman frontflips, and what ever I asked him to do. Just for me ;) And we just went golfing with Mikko, Jaakko was the caddie. It was for sure, the best worst round golf I have ever played in my life! I was kind of tired already, when we began the round. Now, I'm super tired. And I guess, Mikko and Jaakko were kind of tired as well, because otherwise they wouldn't have laughed to everything. Now, the tired threesome shall go to sauna. Cheers!
Another GOLFPRO!
Today was awesome. My bros really sent it on the ramp, Mikko especially. Cause he did superman frontflips, and what ever I asked him to do. Just for me ;) And we just went golfing with Mikko, Jaakko was the caddie. It was for sure, the best worst round golf I have ever played in my life! I was kind of tired already, when we began the round. Now, I'm super tired. And I guess, Mikko and Jaakko were kind of tired as well, because otherwise they wouldn't have laughed to everything. Now, the tired threesome shall go to sauna. Cheers!
26 heinäkuuta 2011
Nurmes, finally I feel like I'm where I belong
AJ not paying attention to my important photoshoot...
There's the attention! (POSE!)
Veikko, hunting kangaroos...
Me and AJ at the golf range. (Wearing formal golf outfits: Wife beaters!)
My day was so good! Coaching my little brothers and hanging out with my really good friend AJ, golfing with him, and our crib here is really nice! And my little brother Veikko is probably going to be really pissed off, if I'm not mentioning, that he learned a kangarooflip today! Pretty awesome, that the guy is only 12 years old (not 10!!!) and doing doubles already! He is a P.I.M.P! AJ was also stepping his game up and from what he said, he's gonna step up some more tomorrow... That being said, I'm going to go to Sauna and to sleep. Good night!
There's the attention! (POSE!)
Veikko, hunting kangaroos...
Me and AJ at the golf range. (Wearing formal golf outfits: Wife beaters!)
My day was so good! Coaching my little brothers and hanging out with my really good friend AJ, golfing with him, and our crib here is really nice! And my little brother Veikko is probably going to be really pissed off, if I'm not mentioning, that he learned a kangarooflip today! Pretty awesome, that the guy is only 12 years old (not 10!!!) and doing doubles already! He is a P.I.M.P! AJ was also stepping his game up and from what he said, he's gonna step up some more tomorrow... That being said, I'm going to go to Sauna and to sleep. Good night!
Rehab ain't partying
So I realised right when I posted the party thing, that that's really not even close to what rehab really is! But, I wanna share the good times with you too, and getting out for the first time this summer; GOOD TIMES! So thanks again all you peeps who spent the saturday night with me and good night!
25 heinäkuuta 2011
The ramps.
Mikko laying back!
So here I am! In Finland's so far the best water ramps, Nurmes, Nuse. I'm staying with my little brothers and mother. And I like it here. I have spent maybe 2 or 3 weeks of my life here, and I thought I would be able to jump now as well, but it wouldn't be wise, I guess. I am able to play golf here though! And to see many of my friends. I'll upload these photos and then, I'll go to Sauna!
Mikko laying back!
So here I am! In Finland's so far the best water ramps, Nurmes, Nuse. I'm staying with my little brothers and mother. And I like it here. I have spent maybe 2 or 3 weeks of my life here, and I thought I would be able to jump now as well, but it wouldn't be wise, I guess. I am able to play golf here though! And to see many of my friends. I'll upload these photos and then, I'll go to Sauna!
24 heinäkuuta 2011
The most fun I've had for a while
Almost flood.
So yesterday was a normal saturday, actually it wasn't. I heard the horrible news from Oslo Norway, that can't all happen in just one day! When it comes to my day, and especially night, it was awesome! Anssi came for a visit and we were supposed to go for a hydrorun, but the weather was herrible! So we decided to watch a movie, which we didn't do either :D Then we went for pizza, and while driving there we found a flood from Hirvensalo! Once we got to the pizza place, my friends who were trying to go for a golf round, had given up. So we went to Lapas place and hanged out there for a while. Anssi had to leave, cause his gf came around, but we stayed there and Akkeshi rolled in aswell. At around 21-22, we went for this ship to hangaround and have some beers. And we met Lauri and Niiklas there as well. Then maybe around 23-24, we went to red hot chilis (place with cheap drinks!) We stayed there untill 02am. or something. I had so much fun! I also met some of my really old friends, and some of the guys I usually hangaround with. And at 02am. it was time to jump to a taxi, which took me home. As a summary, a good night!
So yesterday was a normal saturday, actually it wasn't. I heard the horrible news from Oslo Norway, that can't all happen in just one day! When it comes to my day, and especially night, it was awesome! Anssi came for a visit and we were supposed to go for a hydrorun, but the weather was herrible! So we decided to watch a movie, which we didn't do either :D Then we went for pizza, and while driving there we found a flood from Hirvensalo! Once we got to the pizza place, my friends who were trying to go for a golf round, had given up. So we went to Lapas place and hanged out there for a while. Anssi had to leave, cause his gf came around, but we stayed there and Akkeshi rolled in aswell. At around 21-22, we went for this ship to hangaround and have some beers. And we met Lauri and Niiklas there as well. Then maybe around 23-24, we went to red hot chilis (place with cheap drinks!) We stayed there untill 02am. or something. I had so much fun! I also met some of my really old friends, and some of the guys I usually hangaround with. And at 02am. it was time to jump to a taxi, which took me home. As a summary, a good night!
Okay, tonight we did party a little. Mainly with my two of my men Aki and Lapa. Tomorrow I'll post you some photos of tonight, but now I'll do the only thing I can and should do right now, go to SLEEP!
22 heinäkuuta 2011
Hydrorun with my man Anssi!
To the shore!
Still, to the shore.
Today was a good day! First, we went to a shopping center with Mila. Then, we came back and my man Bäri came for a visit. We had a good time around and next, Anssi and Lapa rolled here. We had so good time chilling and then we went to the shore and me and Anssi went hydrorunning. Anssi blew his knee last season, and it was just operated, so hydrorunning is very good for him too. Lapa is the guy who took all of them them photos and with him, I'll be getting my groove on tomorrow, if he keeps his word... No pressure Lapa :D
Still, to the shore.
Okay. Lapa took a lot of photos tonight, but I managed to delete the best one :D So, you'll be stuck with going to the shore ones and this one jog one.
Today was a good day! First, we went to a shopping center with Mila. Then, we came back and my man Bäri came for a visit. We had a good time around and next, Anssi and Lapa rolled here. We had so good time chilling and then we went to the shore and me and Anssi went hydrorunning. Anssi blew his knee last season, and it was just operated, so hydrorunning is very good for him too. Lapa is the guy who took all of them them photos and with him, I'll be getting my groove on tomorrow, if he keeps his word... No pressure Lapa :D
21 heinäkuuta 2011
Productive day
Jog around!
Hard worker.
My work down there is done! For tonight.
10pm. I woke up and had a workout session which didn't feel as easy as normally. 11pm. Mila went shopping, girly stuff... I made porridge and ate breakfast. 12-15pm. I read Galenos, to become a medical student and finally a doctor. I'm actually reaching the point where it stops being boring and it starts to be just really hard instead. 16pm. Mila came back and I made food+coffee for us. 17something, we played Scrabble. And now, after 19pm. we went swimming. Had such a good hydro jog! Now, we shall watch tv and I shall post this up! So I'm out!
Hard worker.
My work down there is done! For tonight.
10pm. I woke up and had a workout session which didn't feel as easy as normally. 11pm. Mila went shopping, girly stuff... I made porridge and ate breakfast. 12-15pm. I read Galenos, to become a medical student and finally a doctor. I'm actually reaching the point where it stops being boring and it starts to be just really hard instead. 16pm. Mila came back and I made food+coffee for us. 17something, we played Scrabble. And now, after 19pm. we went swimming. Had such a good hydro jog! Now, we shall watch tv and I shall post this up! So I'm out!
20 heinäkuuta 2011
What a pleasant day?!
A nice cup of coffee and breakfast with Iiro.
Today was actually pretty close to spectacular! My morning began unbelievaibly by waking up with Iiro calling me. He was up and awake before me???! Then we decided to go for breakfast in Turku downtown, the breakfast just made the awesomeness of today stronger, by being really good. And the coffee, how good was that? I guess the place didn't get the name coffee house for nothing... When Iiro gave me a ride home we went ice cream shopping. So, tomorrow I will have some fat to burn :D And when I had gotten home, I played games with Mila and we made food. Now after that, I just showed her some art. Hello! And Nipwitz. So today was a success!
Today was actually pretty close to spectacular! My morning began unbelievaibly by waking up with Iiro calling me. He was up and awake before me???! Then we decided to go for breakfast in Turku downtown, the breakfast just made the awesomeness of today stronger, by being really good. And the coffee, how good was that? I guess the place didn't get the name coffee house for nothing... When Iiro gave me a ride home we went ice cream shopping. So, tomorrow I will have some fat to burn :D And when I had gotten home, I played games with Mila and we made food. Now after that, I just showed her some art. Hello! And Nipwitz. So today was a success!
19 heinäkuuta 2011
Wish this was your shore? Sorry, it's ours...
Trying to be cool in the cool water.
That did not end well, nor did it end horribly. All in all, it was a bad jump.
Trying to be cool in the cool water.
That did not end well, nor did it end horribly. All in all, it was a bad jump.
Studying day!
Studying! Mila was around to take the photo.
Me photographing my self when Mila was in doctor.
I got myself together this morning and went to study to our yard! I'm studying already for the paramedical schools matriculations. I have to start already, because I'm soo slow reader now. And I think that reading the book which is ment for matriculations a few times before the matriculations, might be a wise thing to do... Then Mila came back from doctor, where she went, cause she's got a flu. And once we had eaten the meal (pasta) I had prepaired, we played some scrabble!
18 heinäkuuta 2011
Shopping and trampolining!
Not SO tiny.
Kind of tiny.
This morning began slooowly, but once it was on it WAS ON! Went to our trampoline with Mila and we shot those not so MASSIVE photos, after tramp we played a little trivial and then we went to ikea, to buy me a carpet to my room. She's at work now and gonna go and get her bikinis from her condo soon, so that we can go swimming. In my opinion she doesn't need any, but I guess I can understand that she feels like she does...
Not SO tiny.
Kind of tiny.
This morning began slooowly, but once it was on it WAS ON! Went to our trampoline with Mila and we shot those not so MASSIVE photos, after tramp we played a little trivial and then we went to ikea, to buy me a carpet to my room. She's at work now and gonna go and get her bikinis from her condo soon, so that we can go swimming. In my opinion she doesn't need any, but I guess I can understand that she feels like she does...
17 heinäkuuta 2011
Golfing with my home boys + eating a nice meal + being home
The meal!
Me doing laundry work!
Today was an awesome day! Yesterday was a bit (totally) boring! Today, I went to the golfrange with my friends Joonas and Lauri and after range, we went to have a meal in Kuningas kebab (king kebab). The guys ate kebab and I took a very tasteful burger. Fattie, that I am! Well, I also worked out today, so maybe it gives me a solid excuse... I spent the rest of the day with my friend Mila. She's gonna be around a lot next week, cause my mother, Veikko and Jaakko went to our cottage and Mikko is training in Nurmes (water ramps). She's here so that I could do all the same stuff, that I normally do, cause there are risks in trampoline jumping and going to our beach (the steep hill down there). So here we are in my home and it's fun! She's gonna be here until Mikko comes back home, and I'm going to go to Nurmes water ramps with him.
Me doing laundry work!
Today was an awesome day! Yesterday was a bit (totally) boring! Today, I went to the golfrange with my friends Joonas and Lauri and after range, we went to have a meal in Kuningas kebab (king kebab). The guys ate kebab and I took a very tasteful burger. Fattie, that I am! Well, I also worked out today, so maybe it gives me a solid excuse... I spent the rest of the day with my friend Mila. She's gonna be around a lot next week, cause my mother, Veikko and Jaakko went to our cottage and Mikko is training in Nurmes (water ramps). She's here so that I could do all the same stuff, that I normally do, cause there are risks in trampoline jumping and going to our beach (the steep hill down there). So here we are in my home and it's fun! She's gonna be here until Mikko comes back home, and I'm going to go to Nurmes water ramps with him.
16 heinäkuuta 2011
Tampere and chilling with Anni
Anni keeping me awake while watching the movie.
Anni doing the physical work.
Me doing the serious work: giving her advices and stuff...
There we are!
I was at Anni's place in Tampere and I couldn't add any photos there. So I decided to post this here at home and being the lazy guy that I am, I'll just post up what I wrote yesterday. And what an awesome day it was! We woke up, ate breakfast and almost straight away we were going to "Nääshalli" gym, which I have been told is the best in Tampere. Back to Anni's crib and here we ate and watched movie. Then returning the movies (2), and I bought myself a little candy for tomorrow's returning home train trip. After that we came back to the crib, and then we had a task that doesn't sound hard, but it took us 2 hours. We put together a piece of ikea furniture. That was a day full of action, and it was super sweet as well!
Anni doing the physical work.
Me doing the serious work: giving her advices and stuff...
There we are!
I was at Anni's place in Tampere and I couldn't add any photos there. So I decided to post this here at home and being the lazy guy that I am, I'll just post up what I wrote yesterday. And what an awesome day it was! We woke up, ate breakfast and almost straight away we were going to "Nääshalli" gym, which I have been told is the best in Tampere. Back to Anni's crib and here we ate and watched movie. Then returning the movies (2), and I bought myself a little candy for tomorrow's returning home train trip. After that we came back to the crib, and then we had a task that doesn't sound hard, but it took us 2 hours. We put together a piece of ikea furniture. That was a day full of action, and it was super sweet as well!
15 heinäkuuta 2011
I had so much fun here! Tomorrow, home and some more info... An I'm gonna see my man Petri Kovalainen as well before my train leaves.
14 heinäkuuta 2011
To Tampere it is
How sweaty am I???
Down to the business!
In 4 hours, the train which will take me to Tampere leaves. So far my day has contained many, MANY abs, descent amount of chinups, descent amount of pushups and many back movements. And after doing that workout, I went to drink a little protein shake :D Now, dinner time, which just might be my favourite time of day! There's a little fact, I can reveal to ya'll: Pekka likes to eat! And so do I like to drink, look at my facial expression up there! Pretty concentrated.
Down to the business!
In 4 hours, the train which will take me to Tampere leaves. So far my day has contained many, MANY abs, descent amount of chinups, descent amount of pushups and many back movements. And after doing that workout, I went to drink a little protein shake :D Now, dinner time, which just might be my favourite time of day! There's a little fact, I can reveal to ya'll: Pekka likes to eat! And so do I like to drink, look at my facial expression up there! Pretty concentrated.
13 heinäkuuta 2011
HP mania and the train ticket
Everything ends!
That was a good film, but everything did not end.
Today was built up around the movie tickets to the new Harry Potter movie. So we went to check it out, at 13.00. And I gotta say that that movie was actually pretty descent, and so was the first half of it. The earlier HP films again, not so impressive... But I'll let the movie speak for it self, get out there and watch it, if you're interrested! But then to the other subject of this post, train tickets. Where to and when? To Tampere tomorrow. Tampere the good old enemy of my home town Turku. And why on earth would I want to go to such a place? My good old friend Anni lives there and has moved on her own, so what else can I do, but go there and check it out! Then I came home, ate barbecue, icecream and now I'm writing this to you. I'll add some photos to this one and then, I'm out! No I wasn't, had to correct all the mistakes, but NOW I'm out!
That was a good film, but everything did not end.
Today was built up around the movie tickets to the new Harry Potter movie. So we went to check it out, at 13.00. And I gotta say that that movie was actually pretty descent, and so was the first half of it. The earlier HP films again, not so impressive... But I'll let the movie speak for it self, get out there and watch it, if you're interrested! But then to the other subject of this post, train tickets. Where to and when? To Tampere tomorrow. Tampere the good old enemy of my home town Turku. And why on earth would I want to go to such a place? My good old friend Anni lives there and has moved on her own, so what else can I do, but go there and check it out! Then I came home, ate barbecue, icecream and now I'm writing this to you. I'll add some photos to this one and then, I'm out! No I wasn't, had to correct all the mistakes, but NOW I'm out!
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