14 syyskuuta 2011

Unlucky Pekka

It's not this bad really, but I was REALLY UNLUCKY! I had finished studies, was kind of jobless, no "real" profession. If I had even applied to some school, and got in, I would get as much as you usually make in that profession. But I was a skier, not even that famous yet. Giving all I got to the sport I loved, now I'm kind of disappointed. Not for going all in, but the insurancy thing.

I am feeling my self so poor, when I'm complaining about this kind of things.  It was my own fault.

1 kommentti:

  1. But thanks to your amazing attitude and work ethic you will succeed in the future, no matter what future brings. It might feel like hard work now, but it will all pay off in the end. So just keep working hard. See you in the morning :)
