06 syyskuuta 2011

How good was today???


Victoryy!!! I'm pretty happy :D

Pretty good, I'll tell you that much :) I had occupation therapy, I had evening school and then I went to cafe Brahe with Laso, which was pure awesomeness yet again! From cafe Brahe, we continued to Aura biljard, to play some pool. In school, I had actually pretty good time there, IN SCHOOL!!! What's going on??? I guess, that today I even learnt something! It is a totally amazing feeling, to learn something after not learning anything! We'll see when the first exams hit in.

After I got out, it was coffee time with Laso. He offered me a birtday coffee. I was actually, offered coffee all the time today, cause my occupational therapist offered me one as well, I was a lucky guy! Once we had finnished coffee, it was time to play some pool. We walked to Aura biljardi to do that and the most amazing thing happened tonight, I was unbeatable!!! I don't know, if that tells really anything about my pool skills, or is it just about Lasos and his friends hopelessness, but I don't care. I WON!!!

I had a better photo too, but it doesn't load :(
And there's one thing that is really nice, I hadn't even seen or talked to Lauri for ages and now I have had so much fun with him! Well, I guess we just grew up and find each others company fresh and nice! NO HOMO!

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