08 kesäkuuta 2011
Boardgame, physiotherapy, swimming in the sea and golf, that's what an active and awesome day contained today! My personal assistent came to our home this morning and we played some games for a while (I lost scrabble, daymn!). Then after that we went to physio, which was nice as always with that therapist (if you're reading this Anna, you're welcome). Then a little waiting until I got a ride home from my mother, we spent that time the most wisely you can, going to an icecream bar! Then, my mother picked me up and we came home and almost straight away, I switched on my swimgear, went to our shore and jumped to the sea! It was nice and cold :) Today was totally HOT according to the average scales of Finlands temperature! Summer's here :) After that, I went to the golfrange and I just came back from there and here I am to give you a report of my day.
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Much force to you! Loved the Nipwitz three with you in it. You insipire us all! Never give up, never surrender...
VastaaPoistaNipwitz kolmosen loppu oli kyl inspiroiva.
VastaaPoistaVoimia :)