01 kesäkuuta 2011

The best of both worlds.

I had so much fun today! First, the therapies, physio to speach therapy. Second, freedom, which I spent, both  in golf range and in trampoline. So I wasn't the best, not even close. But, the time I had was totally the best I have had since the ski season came to an end. So enough said, it was totally pleasant ;)

3 kommenttia:

  1. It's so good to hear you're doing great. Keep up the good job!

  2. Kirjotin susta blogiini, faktat saattaa olla vähän mitä sattuu (esim. tempun nimi, kun siitä oon kuullut monta eri juttua) mutta ajatus on silti tärkein. Hope you like it :P

  3. Nice pekka, keep on going! cheers from Chile
