The complex.
Mine and my lil' bros crip.
Today went by exactly like yesterday, except that I didn't go fishing. But the hydrorunning part I did! And I actually have started to like it. It's not like jogging, but it's something I can do now and I really want to do someting to improve my endurance + some fatburning is indeed welcome, if I eat like this... And I also did some abs and pushups, so today was active yet again! But now in the evening my granny made some pancakes, so work out canceled! Here's some photos from our summer cottage aswell, it's a complex which is formed from 5 small buildings. The real cottage has a sauna in it as well. Now I'll actually go to sauna and swimming! Laters!

30 kesäkuuta 2011
Active and nice day!
My brothers went skateboarding today, which made me wake up early, too early. I have gotten my sleeping into a descent kind of rythm now (I used to wake up from 5 to 7 or 8 o'clock during this past year). My brothers came back like a bullet though once my mothers friend came to visit us with waterskis with him. I spent my morning (my morning is 9 am.-1pm) hydro running and eating. Afternoon, tanning and being lazy. Evening, playing alias and fishing. Conclusion, a nice day!
29 kesäkuuta 2011
Our life in the cottage
Hydro running!
Chill fishing.

Todays fishing was miserable, I didn't catch ANYTHING! Those are my older lil' bro' Mikkos and my grandpas fish..
So, our life here has contained: sleeping, tanning, playing ping pong, EATING and fishing. Eating is capitalized, because I like eating, a lot :P That sounds kind of boring, but it isn't! Today, I also began my career as a hydro runner.
Chill fishing.

Todays fishing was miserable, I didn't catch ANYTHING! Those are my older lil' bro' Mikkos and my grandpas fish..
So, our life here has contained: sleeping, tanning, playing ping pong, EATING and fishing. Eating is capitalized, because I like eating, a lot :P That sounds kind of boring, but it isn't! Today, I also began my career as a hydro runner.
28 kesäkuuta 2011
Me and my brother getting here, I look dead, not anymore! Holiday!
Going flyfishing! (that's what we do here every night)
Long time no blogging! Now finally I got our new internetstick working, the old one broke down so no blogging. I'm heading back home on next weekend so then I'll be able to blog more. Now what I could do, is to post you two of the pics that were taken here. So here you go! I'm going to put my laptop unconcious now so there's enough battery for me to write some more maybe later :D
Going flyfishing! (that's what we do here every night)
Long time no blogging! Now finally I got our new internetstick working, the old one broke down so no blogging. I'm heading back home on next weekend so then I'll be able to blog more. Now what I could do, is to post you two of the pics that were taken here. So here you go! I'm going to put my laptop unconcious now so there's enough battery for me to write some more maybe later :D
26 kesäkuuta 2011
Here am I, and on the way here my 2 brothers broke our internetstick, so I've been quiet. I decided to stay here one more week, but we will get a new stick tomorrow, so stay tuned!
22 kesäkuuta 2011
Golf ranging with a prooooo!
Me and my man Matti at ski expo last fall (just a random pic that Veikko sent me and I decided to post here)! I just started to realize how tough way I've come. I was on a wheel chair! :O And I'm gonna keep on going!
This morning I was practising my golf with a dude who certainly knows a thing or two about golf, Caius Hanstrup. He's a golf pro in a resort called Kultaranta, a really a great golf course right next to my home town! I had so much fun! And I feel, like it was totally worth spending my morning there! I have forgotten so many golf basics, but Caius brought some of 'em right back! Tomorrow morning I'm gonna leave to our summercottage. So I might be away for a while, expect I go to my granparents to keep you updated! But, today was totally awesome again! I'm out for a while, bye byee blog!
21 kesäkuuta 2011
So, today was my last day of therapy before my summer break. I had speachtherapy and physio therapy in the swimmingpool today. And I gotta say that even though I didn't have to do any job or schoolwork or that kind of work, I really needed this! Last summer, I spent almost completely in the hospital. And the rec. center after that wasn't very good place to relax either. I didn't have to do much, but you can't call that a holiday though, it was more like a struggle. This summer, I don't know what to do! No plans, maybe some day if I feel like I want to travel, then I book the flights! Now I want to go to swim, so adios amigos!
20 kesäkuuta 2011
Therapyday, I'm tired!
Today I had neuro psychology and physio, but it kinda feels like today I was lazy. In physio therapy, I think I propably raised my pulse the highest that it's been for a while! Now, even though I feel like I did nothing today, I'm super tired! So good night, sleep tight!
19 kesäkuuta 2011
I didn't go out, but I WAS active though!
It's pouring rain ouside, when I woke up, I thought: great, nothing to do today... Rainy weather, means no trampolining, swimming or walking outside. So I was lazy and concentrated in finding the most comfortable place to lay down and do nothing. Nooot! I was really active today, allowing for the weather! First, I started my active day with pullups, second, I played scrable with my lil' bro Veikko, third, more pullups, fourth, did some pushups+abs, fifth, stretching and I just had a tasteful dinner. So, not bad for a rainy day! Now, I shall go and play wii with Veikko----->.
18 kesäkuuta 2011
Taking it easy.
YOU*RE NOT THEM!(thanks for the watch Riikka, it's spectacular!)
Today, I had tens of things to do, but I didn't do them :D I spent a fairly big part of my day with my ex-girlfriend, it's so nice that I'm still able to hangaround with her, without feeling like a piece of shit! Then I came home and my lil' bro shot some photos for me that I can post here, so here you go!
YOU*RE NOT THEM!(thanks for the watch Riikka, it's spectacular!)
Today, I had tens of things to do, but I didn't do them :D I spent a fairly big part of my day with my ex-girlfriend, it's so nice that I'm still able to hangaround with her, without feeling like a piece of shit! Then I came home and my lil' bro shot some photos for me that I can post here, so here you go!
17 kesäkuuta 2011
Rehab holiday, almost here!
The Lost Symbol
The good thing living in countryside, no clothing obligatory! (I have shorts though :)
Today, I have been pretty active already. Played scrabble with my lil' bro, did situps + pushups, read a while, went for for a stroll and finished it up with a little trampoline jumping. So it was an active and nice morning! My photographerfriend was supposed to come visit me today, had about 10 peoples work load poured on him, so he can't come. So I'm all alone! No, I'm not, I have my brothers to fight with :D
The good thing living in countryside, no clothing obligatory! (I have shorts though :)
Today, I have been pretty active already. Played scrabble with my lil' bro, did situps + pushups, read a while, went for for a stroll and finished it up with a little trampoline jumping. So it was an active and nice morning! My photographerfriend was supposed to come visit me today, had about 10 peoples work load poured on him, so he can't come. So I'm all alone! No, I'm not, I have my brothers to fight with :D
16 kesäkuuta 2011
Real swimming!
Ballerina steeze!
I had swimming today, and it was a good physio. It's just the feeling like you can do everything under the surface! Like standing on one foot is so easy there! And since my balance is really weak, it's so good training for me. And the consequences of hitting my head again would be really ugly... No danger in the liquid, so all good! My weekend started already, so I'm free! For a while. But now, I'm gonna enjoy my freedom so bye!
I had swimming today, and it was a good physio. It's just the feeling like you can do everything under the surface! Like standing on one foot is so easy there! And since my balance is really weak, it's so good training for me. And the consequences of hitting my head again would be really ugly... No danger in the liquid, so all good! My weekend started already, so I'm free! For a while. But now, I'm gonna enjoy my freedom so bye!
15 kesäkuuta 2011
Swam like a froq, not!
Went almost swimming again, but then it started to rain, I had otherwise a more than active day! Had a meeting with doctor and rehabteam about my rehabilitation. And had a physio afterwards, I had it with Anna, but I won't say anything nice about her, cause she's reading this anyways, and I've given her way too much positive feedback. HERE, in physiotherapy I'm always the hard case, or atleast, trying to be. I'm just going to post this picture of weather outside, and maybe tomorrow's a better day!
New goals!
I own this territory!
It's tricky!
Today, I had occupational therapy and later trampolining! My occupational therapist made me to do some tests, which I had done last fall, and they had improved, but not nearly as much as I hoped. So I'm gonna have another go next fall again and I will make it my job to improve! All in all it was an awesome day, yet again. I guess I use that phrase alot, but I am just positive after all, but rather that than depressed for sure! And I use our trampoline a lot aswell, but it's just really good for me now. So here's two photos from today.
It's tricky!
Today, I had occupational therapy and later trampolining! My occupational therapist made me to do some tests, which I had done last fall, and they had improved, but not nearly as much as I hoped. So I'm gonna have another go next fall again and I will make it my job to improve! All in all it was an awesome day, yet again. I guess I use that phrase alot, but I am just positive after all, but rather that than depressed for sure! And I use our trampoline a lot aswell, but it's just really good for me now. So here's two photos from today.
13 kesäkuuta 2011
The basic...
Today was totally basic, had physio and speech therapy, then came home, ate a little and straight out to golf range! At physio I went to gym to become a weightlifter, probably not now, but maybe some day... Then while coming home, I spoke with Miikka about flatlightfilms t-shirts, which you can buy here:, pretty sick, huh? Actually, I should drop him an e-mail now and ask some of those shirts so talk to ya later!
12 kesäkuuta 2011
Home, the place to be!
The place to be :)
Today was super nice and chill at home. I jumped on the trampoline, swam, was at sauna, and of course laid in the sun. So today could not have been better. Or actually it could, I thought I was going to spend it at my fathers common-law wives cottage where I've had so much fun as well, but this was so comfortable that whateva! Tomorrow's gonna be a therapy day again, but I only have a few weeks left until it's HOLIDAY!
11 kesäkuuta 2011
Chill saturday.
Today was nice and chill. At the morning my mother left for a cruise and me and my two brothers stayed at home. So today was a perfectly nice, chillout day. Swimming, trampoline and tanning, sounds pretty awesome to me :) No photos now cause didn't have any taken, how lazy am I?? Sorry :/
10 kesäkuuta 2011
Today, I was free again! I slept well and went swimming, sunbathing and golf ranging. So today was totally great! Golfrange was not perfection, but when is it?? I'm still a bit tired from not sleeping so well the other night. So I'll go to bed now! Good night!
09 kesäkuuta 2011
Physio swimming again+being tired.
Last night, I slept so bad. I went to bed around 12 o'clock and fell asleep at 5 o'clock at morning, pretty miserable. I woke up at 9.15, so 4 hours of sleep, NOT enough! Then right 4hours later we went to physio swimming, which was a really good training... Then again, I had Anna today, so it really could not have been good :D Okay, it was ok. After swimming, we went for a dinner. Then back home and to lazyness! So here I am, in the yard and laying in the sun :)
08 kesäkuuta 2011
Boardgame, physiotherapy, swimming in the sea and golf, that's what an active and awesome day contained today! My personal assistent came to our home this morning and we played some games for a while (I lost scrabble, daymn!). Then after that we went to physio, which was nice as always with that therapist (if you're reading this Anna, you're welcome). Then a little waiting until I got a ride home from my mother, we spent that time the most wisely you can, going to an icecream bar! Then, my mother picked me up and we came home and almost straight away, I switched on my swimgear, went to our shore and jumped to the sea! It was nice and cold :) Today was totally HOT according to the average scales of Finlands temperature! Summer's here :) After that, I went to the golfrange and I just came back from there and here I am to give you a report of my day.
07 kesäkuuta 2011
Occupational therapy and the therapist vol II
We had occupational therapy and the therapist is still an enormous pain in the ass! :D H**l no, he is awesome! We tried to go swimming to Samppalinnas public swimming pool, but the first thing we saw was a line of approximately about a billion people, not what we were assuming. But then again it was no miracle when the weather was like today! So we went to have an icecream to a place where we could sit outside. Now chilling out at home and we went just trampolining again with two of my brothers (Jaakko and Veikko) and I got the trick down that I have been trying ages! Ages=about a month... Jumping to my back and rolling a kind of a backflip over my head! Sounds so easy, but it was so hard for me! So I was just jumping to my back all the time, but now, I got it! Handplanting in the middle of it ^:D
06 kesäkuuta 2011
Therapyday again
So, the party is now over, and it's pretty good to be back at home and concentrate to the one thing that's the most important for me, REHAB! It's not like I love rehabbing myself, especially the thing that I need rehab, is a bummer, but since it is this way, this is what I'm gonna do! It's not actually too hard to find the motivation. I think that, since it was me myself who did this to me, it's my job to fix it. Or FIX MYSELF. Here's a photo of me taking a stroll, I walk still a bit bad, but atleast I'm walking! I went to trampoline aswell, so I was active today!
05 kesäkuuta 2011
The crew!
Roope and Nelli were the ones with whom I rolled at the end of the night.
Paul and Okko, who gave me the drive there. Nipwitz!
Yesterday was spectacular! Many of my friends had their YO parties this saturday, it all started with my sister in-laws party, continuing with Paul, Kape and last, but not for the least Victor (Tocto)! I had so much fun at those parties! And I made some new friends, too. Win, win! There's no photos from Kapes or Riias party, but they were awesome as the others!
Roope and Nelli were the ones with whom I rolled at the end of the night.
Paul and Okko, who gave me the drive there. Nipwitz!
Yesterday was spectacular! Many of my friends had their YO parties this saturday, it all started with my sister in-laws party, continuing with Paul, Kape and last, but not for the least Victor (Tocto)! I had so much fun at those parties! And I made some new friends, too. Win, win! There's no photos from Kapes or Riias party, but they were awesome as the others!
03 kesäkuuta 2011
So today I went to see a movie with my man Okko and his girlfriend (a good one Okko). The movie was aawesome and amazing! Hilarious as good comedies tend to be.. I had so much fun tonight again, and it wasn't only because the movie. Tomorrow I have been invited to a few yo parties of my friends's, so that's what I'm up tomorrow...
Here I am inEspoo again and feeling super sleepy. So this post is gonna be a short one! When I was sitting in the car, my time went by playing with stone balls, you needed to get them to change places. So heeere you go! Good night!
01 kesäkuuta 2011
The best of both worlds.
I had so much fun today! First, the therapies, physio to speach therapy. Second, freedom, which I spent, both in golf range and in trampoline. So I wasn't the best, not even close. But, the time I had was totally the best I have had since the ski season came to an end. So enough said, it was totally pleasant ;)
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