Trampoline was the thing of the day and I had a lot of fun jumping on it. Made a "new" trick also today. "new" isn't really new, but it is the first time I've done it after injuring myself. It's like doing a cork 7, but to your back after cork 540, and then bouncing back to your feet. Was hitting the tramp first with Jannica, then later when these pics were taken with my lil' bros. That trick I learned on the later session :)

31 toukokuuta 2011
30 toukokuuta 2011
Work day.
Today was a kind of work day for me. We were filming the whole day since around 10 o'clock. Miikka and Kata also filmed my personalcare assistent, my physiotherapy and me with my lil' bro later in golf range. So it was an active workday, so I feel like 30 years older and 80kg heavyer, so this is what I look like now (my little brother Mikko feels old and heavy too).. Masters of mass up there^
29 toukokuuta 2011
The real deal, this is how it went.
Me and the film crew.
Everybody, almost, not even close.
Me and my brothers :) Grandpa on the left down there
Yesterday I had my YO party for my relatives, older friends and god parents. And If the last weekends party was awesome, this was atleast magnificent! So this was truly lovely :) So many guests and very good weather, tonight I will maybe go to the range with my man Miikka to film a little more, if the bad, rainy weather of today don't stop us. The guests started rolling in at about 1 o'clock, and the last ones left round 21. And then we just hanged around inside for a while and around 15 we went outside :) It was really great to see some people I hadn't seen in years! And it felt kind of like a survival party as well. But that's fine, I guess I am kind of a surviver. I was told to tell a little about normal things like catering, but it's boring so I won't :D This was really a great thing for our documentary, to film my whole family celebrate! Now, gonna take easy, but soon going to film atleast something.
Everybody, almost, not even close.
Me and my brothers :) Grandpa on the left down there
Yesterday I had my YO party for my relatives, older friends and god parents. And If the last weekends party was awesome, this was atleast magnificent! So this was truly lovely :) So many guests and very good weather, tonight I will maybe go to the range with my man Miikka to film a little more, if the bad, rainy weather of today don't stop us. The guests started rolling in at about 1 o'clock, and the last ones left round 21. And then we just hanged around inside for a while and around 15 we went outside :) It was really great to see some people I hadn't seen in years! And it felt kind of like a survival party as well. But that's fine, I guess I am kind of a surviver. I was told to tell a little about normal things like catering, but it's boring so I won't :D This was really a great thing for our documentary, to film my whole family celebrate! Now, gonna take easy, but soon going to film atleast something.
28 toukokuuta 2011
YO party vol 2, the real deal.
So after last weekends totally spectacular YO friend parties, now I'm gonna do the real YO party. With all my relatives, other friends with children, godparents and the filmer, who's not my friend (kidding and laughing here by my self!) But it's gonna start in a moment so I'll have to get my self in a partymode! I'm going to maybe let you know a little bit more about these ones. Last weekend shall remain as a mystery...
27 toukokuuta 2011
Here I am watching:hello.flatlightfilms.com(the most awesome film ever), after watching the trailer from youtube (awesome). And seeing that just makes me truly emotional, but kind of happy. And when I watch that now, even I can say, that I was pretty good! And the filmer will come here today, for my YO party, which is gonna take place tomorrow and to film it for the documentary. Now, going back trough everything in my mind, I can say that, I really am so happy to be writing in english here. Because from what I've heard, it was a close call for me to lose that and every other language aswell. So, I just got to say how happy I am to be in the shape that I am. And even to be here. Here's something unserious for all of you though :D that's me in physiotherapy yesterday!
26 toukokuuta 2011
Swimming and being lazy and tired
Went swimming today and it went spectacular! First I did my balancing record in the pool; 4minutes standing on my left foot. Left side is the one that was paralyzed, so it's way weaker than my right side. My old record was something like 20s, so this felt goood! No pictures today either, maybe tomorrow though!
25 toukokuuta 2011
Active, but lazy and comfortableday.
Speachtherapy-->physio-->chilling out with friends! Pretty perfect day, huh? No photos today, but what I have been doing is looking at photos of appartments. A lot of them. Because I feel like I'm ready to move to live on my own now. But this is a perfectly good place to stay until I have the money to move on my own, so this is where I'm gonna stay! Maybe if I find a affordable and a nice place, I'm on my own! That's about what I have been able to figure out today and yesterday, so when I actually do something about this, I'll keep you posted!
24 toukokuuta 2011
Mood swings.
Yesterday was hard for me, today was not. Went to the golf range in my occupational therapy, and even though it didn't go so good, it made me happy! Don't know, what's up with my mood, because it feels like I'm having mood swings just like pregnant women :D Maybe NOT. But this is pretty big part of the life of a dude that has gotten an injury like I have. I have no photos to show you from the range, so I'll just show you a photo of my YO present. My therapist took some photos, but hasn't sent 'em, screw you!
23 toukokuuta 2011
Not so bad after all.
After a while of thinking all of the good stuff that happened today, which isn't much, I can't stay miserable. But two of the things that helped me to change my mind were, talking to a nice guy from the U.S.A and a finnish girl who currently lives in United States of Ameeeriiicaa. And so easily it's changed! I also read a dead serious "survival skills" by John Wiseman, in finnish, which I got as a present from my man Rampe! It totally tells you how to make it in this world :D
A baaaaaad day.
Today began ok, but as it went on it just turned worse. I guess this is a more than big part of my injury, that the bad feelings I get are way worse than before. But don't feel like writing more about this or anything else now. So here's two pics of my days end in the range, surprize, surprize, I sucked :D
22 toukokuuta 2011
YO party! This is how it went.
Yesterday I had maybe the funnest party ever! Big thanks to all of the guests and Tiitu Romar who sent me a present staight outta Ameeriicaa! And more than great thanks to my mother who held it down and took care of the catering! So a bit tired now, but I'm gonna hit the golf range today to test my awesome new accessories. And next weekend I'm gonna have a little bit or completely different kind of party. All of my relatives and godfathers are going to be there. But I know that it's going to be fun aswell! So life's good right now, sun's shining and it's more than good weather outside. So I'm gonna go lay down in the yard. Cheers, I'm out!
21 toukokuuta 2011
20 toukokuuta 2011
Getting ready to rumble
Tomorrow I'll have my graduation party for friends. I'm having my party in two separate days, because there's so much people (almost 80) and these ones are going to be a party where you can drink and all the guests are friends of mine, the other ones are more of an "official" party with all the relatives. Tonight we're going to have to do stuff for the party, my mom's just baking us a cake and I'm being lazy and writing my blog :D And we just had a little trampoline session aswell, we have a new mat on our tramp and it's for sure better than the old one, but kinda harder for me.
19 toukokuuta 2011
My day began with a visit to my great aunts, from there, swimming and finally went to visit a really good friend of mine. So I had a shorter haircut done to me, not super short, but shorter. It feel's good! Swimming or pooltherapy was as good as it's always. And the visit went pretty nicely, at least I think it was fun and I hope she thought so too, she did, I just decided so. So I just came home a while ago and now shall I go to sleep, long day, tomorrow too and saturday, long as fuck..
18 toukokuuta 2011
Golf range again :)
So today, after my real program, I went to golf range and it was FUN! I was kind of a super bad golfer again, because of I slept really bad last night. So I was, and am tired. But even if I was tired, I had so much fun! The driving was barely even ok for my current level, but I dominated the irons! And after the range I went to train my putting and it was so much better than last time :)
So, I didn't write here yesterday. That was, because I wasn't at home until 22. So okay, I admit it, I'm laaazy. Today's going to be atleast as interresting though. I'm going to go to golf range again, and we'll see how it goes. Hopefully a LOT better than bowling. But now, first I'll go to speach therapy. So maybe you'll hear from me tonight, maybe later (damn, I was smart when I pulled that out in Ylläs) :D
16 toukokuuta 2011
So here I am at home sweet home again. Went to the therapies again, and it made me feel pretty good! This is what I need to be doing now, not crashing while trying to getting on a boat! Went to bowling aswell and I've gotta say I sucked. Got one strike, thank god, otherwise I would have lost my mind, because my bowling was miserable as I already told you. Threw just misses the whole time. But now, enough with the complaining, I'm gonna go to jump on trampoline!
15 toukokuuta 2011
Rainy weekend.
Sorry for my lack of posts, but I was wihout internet for the whole weekend. This weekend was so rainy. And it was shitty for me aswell. First, on friday I went to my fathers ladys summercottage, all good. Then on saturday, first my father and his lady went shopping by boat, I was alone at the cottage. I fell down as I tried to go to the toilet (the toilet wasn't easy to get to, another place.) Then in the evening I went to sauna. After the sauna I was washing myself, sitting on a small bench, got up, crashed on my back. On sunday, all good, until we decided to leave. I fell down at the platform while I was going to the boat. Then got up and we managed to get to our car. Driving home our car decided to break down. The trip that should've taken an hour, took about 4. But if there's something good in the last springs tragedy, it's that things like this don't get me down anymore.
11 toukokuuta 2011
Golf range.
I was at golf range again with 2 of my younger brothers and it was aaawesome! Last time I could barely hit the ball, but now my record was driving almost 200m. So it was so much fun! I kind of decided that I will turn from freeski professional to golf pro. NOOT! But I can't understand how I suddenly was about 15x better than the last time. Last time I was missing the ball all the time completely, but now I didn't miss even once! And after range, I went to the putting field. It was hard as hell, but a really good practise. I think that soon I'm gonna go for 9 holes :) So my day was somewhat really good!
10 toukokuuta 2011
Golfing is pretty damn fun!
So maybe the nicest thing to do now that I can't ski, is golfing. Can't really do that either as well as before, but I can have tons of fun while trying! Here I am on our local golfrange with my Lil' bro Veikko. I go there usually with either my friends, or Lil' bros.
09 toukokuuta 2011
So I was at physiotherapy and BOWLING today! This wasn't my best bowling after the crash, but I got two strikes and one spare! So gotta be happy about that. I can't bowl properly yet, so I just throw the ball standing still, I know it sounds boring, but I can tell you that it's not! Compared to laying in bed it's awesome!
08 toukokuuta 2011
Me and my man JMo yesterday!
I didn't ask the permission to use this photo, but fuck it, I gave no permission to photograph me either! :D
07 toukokuuta 2011
Turq home!
So here I am back home sweet home. Today I met more friends again, first, my man JMo took me to Sello, and then I met Sini and her friend (whose name I don't remember now), then back to my fathers before going home. I might as well talk a little about memory as well now, cause it's one of my weakest links. On last summer it was so bad that I'd forget in the evening, what I ate for lunch that day. Now it's getting slowly better, and I feel like it's almost back to what it was! But I still forget a lot, so I guess it's not really even close to normal :D Memory is a thing that is really important if I wan't to for example go back to school someday and study myself a profession. Now, enough for all the serious stuff, I've been pretty active blogger now, huh? Is it active enough, let me know?! Of course I can't be too active because I have all of my therapies as well and getting back to shape is my priority number uno, so I might try to make one post a day! No quarantees on that though! :D But just let me know what you think!
06 toukokuuta 2011
Here I am in Espoo at my fathers and his ladys, and I was just hanging out with my buddies Aleksi and Anni. We went for a coffee, bought some cards with snacks and had a pleasant time in the park playing paska and kunkkune***ri. So basicly it was just a perfect lazy friday day. Now I just turned on the TV and it's Finland vs. Germany hockey game, not gonna miss that! Don't feel like going to any bar yet (there is many reasons ), so I guess all I'm gonna do tonight is chilling at my fathers and play with the dogs. So I'm out to play with my great buddies, Richard, Tara and Sparky (the dog trio)! Talk to you later!
05 toukokuuta 2011
Physiotherapy swimming
Today I'm gonna have swimming in my physiotherapy, like once every normal week. Basically my regular weekday life is filled with therapies: 3 physios, 1 speechtherapy, 1 occupational therapy and 1 neuro psychology once in every 4 weeks. It doesn't sound like a lot, but I can tell you that it's pretty hard. Today I did already mathematics, which is really important for me, so I can study myself a profession someday. The rehab does not only contain physical stuff, but mental as well. It's my brain I injured, after all.
04 toukokuuta 2011
Occupational therapy and the therapist
Hi! So I had my first occupational therapy today since coming home and I still can't believe how awesome of a therapist do I have!? His name is Kari and he's pretty awesome! (He told me the english term for this is occupational therapy) so don't blame me if it's incorrect, it's totally his burden. And he's probably reading this, so "Hi Kari!" I don't know, if he likes the fact that I'm speaking of him like this, but who cares? :D Actually I do, but we have so much fun together, that I don't think he's going to be that mad about it. And he's actually one, who thought that writing a blog is really good for my rehab so this is what you get!
02 toukokuuta 2011
Back home!
So I got back home on friday. Been kind of bored since, but I guess my work here is atleast as important as filming in Ylläs was. I was at physiotherapy today and it was really good to be there after a long time. This weekend I shall go to Espoo to my fathers and hopefully it will be fun! I still have a lot of therapy before it, so maybe I learn to fly before this summer! But now, I go back to being bored :D So wait for another post, either soon, or latest, next weekend. Holla!
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