29 huhtikuuta 2011
Ylläs 2011
It was way better than 2010. Surprisingly. Had so good time there filming with Miikka and the assistent (Miikkas lady). There was ofcourse alot of mentally hard moments for me, but I guess I made my peace wih last years happening totally fine. We spent our time by returning to all the spots I could recall from last year and skiing, but I've never seen so little snow at Ylläs. We also visited Medi Ylläs to interview and meet the guy that took me down fom the snowpark for the ambulance when I crashed last year. It was really touching. Allrighty, I guess that's enough said about that. Today I'm flying back home to party Vappu! So you'll be hearing from me next time from there! Now, I'm going to use my favourite pharase: I'm out!
27 huhtikuuta 2011
Soo here I am now after the JOI. We're filming a documentary about me and my injury with Miikka Niemi from Flatlight Films. My monday was full of action: getting home, un packing, packing again, going to the airport, flying to Rovaniemi. So I've been pretty busy. I'll let you know how it goes here in Ylläs!
24 huhtikuuta 2011
JOI Big Air finals
So tonight was the big night of the JOI. It went down awesome! The winner was Elias Ambühl with a stomped triple cork and he did the triple 3 times in a row stomping the s***t out of all of them! And he actually promised to donate 60% of his victory money, what a gentleman besides a great athlete! But now I'm gonna go party with him so I'm out!
18 huhtikuuta 2011
So here I am! Couldn't be happier to be here and today my first homeboy Russ Henshaw's coming to town, and tomorrow a dinner with the man behind all of this, Jon Olsson. The man behind everything. I can not understand how does he make all the stuff he makes, but it's amazing! But now I have to cut this post short cause we don't have an internet in our condo, so I'm sitting here in a local restaurant. So I'm out!! Check out back later this week, I'm gonna give you a report!
15 huhtikuuta 2011
Today was so good! I've been just feeling a lot like my own self today, walking around in the city without any aid accesories and all alone. And tomorrow I'm going to Åre to judge the J.O.I. So waiting for that and couldn't be more exited to see some of my skiing friends from the other countries. And I had so nice chat yesterday with a girl who was in the rehab center same time with me. That has kept me happy for the whole day :) Tomorrow I'm out! Then maybe I'll let you know how amazing it is in Åre next week! But now, I'M OUT!
Today was so good! I've been just feeling a lot like my own self today, walking around in the city without any aid accesories and all alone. And tomorrow I'm going to Åre to judge the J.O.I. So waiting for that and couldn't be more exited to see some of my skiing friends from the other countries. And I had so nice chat yesterday with a girl who was in the rehab center same time with me. That has kept me happy for the whole day :) Tomorrow I'm out! Then maybe I'll let you know how amazing it is in Åre next week! But now, I'M OUT!
12 huhtikuuta 2011
Another one.
Hi, I'm sure that some of you thought like "WHAT???" that guy is supposed to be injured and there he is skiing. Well I guess my physical recovery has been pretty fast, but I have done a lot of work for it too. I had pretty sad predictions, "learning to walk again in 2 years" and "skiing maybe never again". But with hard work, I have accomplished to get myself back on slopes again. One even harder task is still ahead of me: going back to school again and study myself a profession. That's really challenging cause one of my biggest problems is memory. I'm sure it will improve though. This summer it was so bad that I'd forget things in 10 minutes and now I can even recall most of this weekend! Summer was a tough one that I spent mostly in hospitals. First 28.4 my crash happened, because of strong backwind--> Oulu ICU--> Turku TYKS ICU--> Turku kaupungin sairaala--> probably the best rehab center for me in Finland, Synapsia-->6.10 HOME! The diagnosis of my injury is anextremely serious diffuse axon damage, TBI (traumatic brain injury). Over and out, now I shall go train mathematics.
11 huhtikuuta 2011
Please donate.
Hi! This is my first post here and I'll go ahead and post my paypal account where you can make a donation. This crash totally changed my life. Unfortunately I did not have any accident insurance. My education wasn't finnished and I can't go to work yet, nor have I any profession yet. If you can make an even small donation it would be more than helpful. Here's my paypal:
https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin /webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted_b utton_id=6LJEAEHMCR7TC
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